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Paving the Way for Your Study Abroad Dreams!

MastersBuddy has proudly assisted over 3500 students in realizing their dream of studying abroad. Our dedicated team is here to make your journey smoother – from quickly evaluating your profile to providing end-to-end support, we're your buddies in boosting your chances and securing admission to your dream universities.
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Why MastersBuddy?

MastersBuddy is a one-stop platform for your study abroad journey. We'll assist you in choosing the right courses, finding the best universities, and selecting the perfect countries.
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Founders' Personal Involvement
Our founders, who themselves have been through the entire challenging process, will directly work with you on your applications. No third-party consultants or random experts who have not even been abroad.
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Buddy Approach
The “Buddy” in MastersBuddy is our trust symbol. We invest immense time in getting to know you personally, professionally and academically. Once the relationship is built, that's where the magic in the application happens
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Tireless Support
Our tireless approach - We will constantly stay at your back to ensure that you are managing the application timelines efficiently. Punctuality and Quality are two pillars which define us.
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Personalized Application Guidance
We don’t believe in the one-size-fits-all approach - we will iterate your CV, Essays, SOPs, LORs and Scholarship Essays unlimited times till we are mutually content with the outcome.
“Our goal is to help you get into the best Universities and pave the way for a successful career.”
- Our Mission

Our Values

We tailor our strategies to match each student's unique aspirations and strengths, ensuring a bespoke study abroad journey.
We genuinely care about your success, putting your dreams first instead of chasing commissions.
We invest time and resources in in-depth research, crafting precise application strategies for each student.

Meet Our Founders

Viral Vora

IE Business School, Spain

Deciding on the best university is the most challenging decision for any student, and it shouldn't be influenced by any consultant's commission. Instead, it should be grounded in data-driven research. Having been through this ourselves, we strive to help students throughout their study abroad journey.

Dhruvin Jain

IE Business School, Spain

Observing the increasing number of Indian students pursuing master's degrees abroad and often choosing the wrong universities, we recognized the necessity for a more authentic study abroad consultancy. One that genuinely considers students' growth as its own and helps them achieve the success that is truly possible.
Partner Universities
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Admission Guarantee
in Scholarships
Partner Universities
Student Admits Received
Admission Guarantee
in Scholarships
Our End-to-End Study Abroad Assistance
School Selection
Test Preparation
Application Process
Scholarship & Loan
Visa Guidance

School Selection

You’re in luck cause our experts have cracked the code of “Profile analysis” for you.

Based on Personal, Professional, and Academic background, our experts suggest to you around 8 -10 best university options that match your profile. Your Buddy will only suggest the best and then the ball’s in your court while we’ve got your back.

Test Preparation

We’ve got you entirely covered with IELTS Preparation Strategies from Beginners to IELTS 7 Plus. A well designed IELTS preparation with Mock tests, 60+ videos, expert tips and much more available at your fingertips.

Bonus Point - It’s absolutely free!

Application Process

While working with us, be rest assured that your application will be as unique as you are and will definitely stand out as it deserves to. We’ve ditched templates and strongly stand for personalized applications.

Starting from your first application, drafting all the documents, perfecting your CV, and Ensuring your essay is in place, we’ll do it all.

Scholarship & Loan

Is funding your education abroad feeling heavy on your pocket? We’re here to shed the load by suggesting to you multiple support options. Our experts provide the best financial guidance and help gather all the requirements right from scholarships to loans.

Visa Guidance

It’s not uncommon to be overwhelmed by the complicated visa processes. However, your buddy is here for you! We’ll break down the process for you and help you navigate through it with ease. Our Visa Guides can be your “all you need to know” for it!

Got Any Doubts?

Don't worry, we're here to provide solutions and clarity whenever you need!
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